Media-X-Stele Mobil.

Design: Walter Knoll Team.

This movable, freestanding media stand is compatible with screens from different brands, measuring up to 85 inches. Through an opening in the back, the technology is freely accessible and lockable at all times, and the height of the screen can also be adjusted.

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The body can easily be fitted with all the tools needed to support modern communication. Media-X-Stele integrates technology in a thoughtful, high-quality and neutral manner. All electrical equipment, including cabling and acoustics, disappears into its body. The stand, with optional electric height adjustment, is available in various dimensions, tailored to many screens and the devices of your choice. This mobile design is perfect for transportation and responsive to various table heights. The base model is available in four elegant Walter Knoll colors and can be supplemented with versatile add-ons.